Shock Wave Treatment


Erectile dysfunction or impotence is the inability to get or keep an erection sufficient for penetration and satisfaction of both sexual partner.

How does normal erection occur?

For erection a men need: hormones ,an adequate blood flow to the Penis, intact nerves and sexual desire to achieve an erection.

What physical problem causes erectile dysfunction?

  • Hormone imbalance:  A deficiency of male hormones
  • Never damage : This can result in reduced sensitivity to start and maintain erection like: Pelvic Surgeries, Spinal Cord Injuries.
  • DiabetisMillitus: Which usually leads to blood vessels diseases and narrowing that leads to reduction of blood flow?
  • Drugs: Some drugs especially those used to treat high blood pressure depression and anxiety.
  • Smoking and alcohol : Can cause importance.

What should I expected when I visit a specialist Doctor?

  • Fully complete history
  • Physical Examination
  • Labratory investigation
  •  Imaging study

What treatments are available?

Treatment is only indicated if both partners are troubled by the impotence and they have realistic expectations of what can be achieved by any treatment:

Improvement of lifestyle: 

Reducing smoking, alcoholintake, exercise, losing weight, eating healthy by effect on hormones and psychological condition can dramatically improve erectile dysfunction.

  • Change or stop some medicine which can affect erection like: Diuretics and high blood pressure drugs , Antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, andantiepileptic drugs Antihistamines.
  • Hormones replacement: This treatment indicated whenever there is a reduction of production of the Male Hormone Testosterone.
  • PDE5 InhibitorsTablets:  These are the first line treatment medication for ED (Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil, Avanafil) but only works when there is sexual stimulation and will have no effect on your sex drive .
  • Intraurethral prostaglandin: Where some kind of suppositories or jel inserted into the urethra.
  • Penile injection: This will be done by injecting certain medication(Prostaglandin) that can lead to erection as and whenever needed.
Instruments usage:
  • Vacuum Device: It’s a simple way of obtaining an erection by sucking blood into the penis.
Shock Wave Therapy:

This is relatively new technique which is performed by your physician.

  • How it is done: It is a noninvasive kind of treatment where an Energy Shock Waves is directed towards the penile shaft.
  • How it works: The theory behind that is that these shock waves leads to Regeneration of the Microvasculature of the penis and/or Release of Stem Cells that leads to regeneration of the Microvasculature of the Penis.
  • What is the Percentage of Success: There is improvement in the erectile function but no percentage of success is available, as each patient differs from the others.
  • How it is applied: It is a painless procedure; the Hand Probe is applied to the shaft of the penis.The shock waves are given. Average of 06 Sessions is needed, of 03 Days interval in between for Average of 20 Minutes each session.
  • How long should one abstain from sexual contact: You can have normal sexual contact after the application.
  • Am I a good candidate for such treatment: You have to be evaluated by your doctor who will decide about that.

This is the last option for patients with severe ED which was not responded to all other treatments modalities like Penile Prosthesis or Vascular Surgeries.
